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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Scenes of Spring on Pine Island

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Spring's arrived on Pine Island with the a cascade of new life, both flora and fauna.  Just a few photos from around my backyard:  orchids and gardenia's are blooming, I will be getting dozens of mangos from my couple of trees starting in about 6 weeks, and a pair of orioles are nesting in my backyard.
Gophers tortoises and a variety of snakes have hatched, the bald eagles and great horned owls have fledged, evenings are longer, days are warmer, soon the summer rains will come.


Fishing is heating up as the local Gulf of Mexico water temperatures are nearing 80 degrees now. 
One place to enjoy the beautiful nature on Pine Island is the Earth and Spirit Garden Gallery in Saint James on Maria Drive.  They are having an event next Saturday April 20, featuring local artisans and
produce from local farmers.   If you'd like more info about Pine Island, contact me, Erika Foye, Real Estate Broker for All Island Realty, Inc. at erikafoye@embarqmail.com

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