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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pine Island and Hurricane Rina

Hello Pine Island followers.  Here on Pine Island, we're watching with interest the progress of Hurricane Rina, now down south of the Yucatan Peninsula.  According to the National Hurricane Center, we are in the "cone of uncertainty" and as of now have a chance of getting some wind and rain later in 4-6 days, maybe Sunday or Monday.  By that time, it is predicted to be only a 50 mph tropical storm.  For more information, go to www.nhc.noaa.gov/

I am a weather afficiando and like to follow weather, and my excellent computer repairman, Larry from Anole Computer, has a great Pine Island weather website, at http://www.weather.anolecomputer.com/ , in case you are also interested in following the weather on Pine Island, Florida, which is presently just beautiful, 80 degrees and 50% humidity.
If you are looking for a Realtor who is an accredited buyer's representative on Pine Island, contact me, Erika Foye, Real Estate Broker for All Island Realty, Inc., based in beautiful Bokeelia, at erikafoye@embarqmail.com.

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