While taking continuing education classes this week, I learned about programs administered by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, whose mission is "to ensure that all eligible Floridians obtain safe, decent, affordable housing that might otherwise be unavailable to them". There are several different programs which may provide down payment assistance of up to $10,000; 100% financing and affordable interest rates (6 to 6.5%) for eligible home buyers.
You do not have to presently be a Floridian to qualify, but you must intend to make the home your principal residence. Single buyers earning up to $42,500. may qualify, two person households (marriage is not a requirement) may earn up to $72,840. and qualify. For more information, email me, Erika Foye, real estate broker and accredited buyer's representative and visit the website http://www.floridahousing.org/ There are a number of homes or condominiums for sale on Pine Island that qualify for this program. I took this photo of a Royal Poinciana tree in full bloom on Bokeelia today.