The weather was mild and windy this week on Pine Island. We got a few more rain showers, which greened up the grass and plants some, and also caused local wild flowers to bloom, like this photo of a palmetto flower. The house is an old Florida style home in Bokeelia that I admire for it's classic "cracker" style. It has a cistern for rain water.
Real estate sales started picking up lately, as evidenced by the four waterfront homes sold in the past 10 days. The average price of these four waterfront homes was up to $359,000., a jump up from the quarterly median price of $270,000. I'm encouraging potential waterfront home buyers to get into the market now, the inventory of affordable waterfront homes is starting to shrink.
Here is a summary of closed Pine Island, Florida Real Estate Sales, during the first quarter of 2009:
16 Waterfront Homes Sold - Median Price $270,000/Average Price $348,369.
9 Off water Homes Sold - Median Price $143,000/Average Price $159,723.
11 Manufactured Homes Sold - Median Price $100,000.
1 Duplex Sold - $225,000.
9 Lots Sold - Median Price $40,000.